Thursday, April 16, 2009

YES: Greek Godess

This is everything a dress should be. Its a pretty color, the draping is beautiful, and the overall look is trendy. What's not to love? Obviously its a YES.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES or NO?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

YES: Fun Gold Bangles

You could wear these with a little black dress or jeans and a tee. Bangles are so versitile and they are given a fashionable upgrade here. Their fun, bold prints are super cute. My favorite is the giraffe print one followed closely by the blue polka dots Regardless, all of these get a big YES.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES or NO?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

YES: Hot Pink Flats

Sometimes I get up in the morning and get dressed only to later notice that I am wearing drab, monochrome clothes. If I had these shoes, that would change everything. Add these shoes to any basic, unoriginal outfit and you just got yourself style. Love, love, love these. Thanks Jimmy Choo. You get a YES.
But thats just my opinion; you tell me: YES or NO?

Monday, April 13, 2009

NO: Millions of circles hanging off your torso

Ugh. Remember when there were baggy, shapeless hobo purses like this? All the middle school girls thought they were SO cool because they had this sack with metallic circles hanging off of it (and often falling off all over the place). Let's get this straight: those purses shouldn't have happened. Therefore an entire outfit devoted to the metallic orbs shouldn't exist either. Thank you,, for this hideous mess. In return, I'll give you a NO.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES or NO.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

YES: Ruffles

I wish I could wear this dress every day of my life. I can't get over how perfect it is. Not my favorite belt ever; I probably would have picked something a little darker. Or maybe white. I don't know. But overall, this dress is dreamlike but structured. So of course it gets a YES (times one thousand).This is only sold is the UK at My Theresa.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES or NO?
P.S. Happy Easter! (And Passover)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

YES: Cheap and Cute

I always feel like I say NO to cheaper things and YES to expensive. But that's really not the way I feel about fashion at all. This really proves that. Ask yourself, how much does this look like it costs? Twenty four dollars and eighty cents. Yes, $24.80. And it is straight up adorable. So of course, its a YES.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES or NO.

YES: Modern Pleated Skirt

This is probably one of the classiest skirts I've seen this season, and this isn't the only great one from the store. If you've been in Banana Republic lately, you know what I'm talking about. Not only do they have business-y skirts like they always do, but they also have slightly more casual skirts as well. That definitely makes me think of Banana Republic in a different way now. This is a YES YES YES YES :)
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES OR NO?

Friday, April 10, 2009

YES: Bright Yellow Luggage

Love, love, love, love. Did I mention that I love this? I would get one, but its over a thousand dollars, and I'm not traveling anywhere fabulous anytime soon seeing as I'm only 16. But its so cuuuuuute. Okay I'll stop swooning now. I give this a huge YES. P.S. You can get one of these, and its matching yellow brothers and sisters, at J.Crew.
But thats just my opinion; you tell me: YES OR NO?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

NO: Bodysuits

There aren't words in the dictionary to describe this disaster. Catastrophic I suppose would come closest to what I'm trying to convey. I can't decide which one is the worst either. I always say on here that I secretly can't wait to see real people wearing the NO's in public. And while I was at the mall yesterday, I saw someone wearing one similar to the first one of these. The only difference was it was made out of navy blue spandex. It was pretty scarring.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me! YES OR NO?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

NO: Your Grandmother's Former Semitropical Wardrobe

Personally, I think fashion should move forward instead of going back in time. Wear the first skirt, from Wet Seal, and you'd be on the prairie in the 1800's. Wear the second skirt, from Forever 21, and you'd be on an island in the 1960's. Unfortunately, I can't lend you my time machine today, so please refrain from wearing these. That's why I say...NO!
But that's just my opinion; you tell me. YES OR NO?

Friday, March 27, 2009

NO: Welcome to the Powow. Can I offer you some maize?

Hey, I'm all for Native Americans. Teepee it up! You were here first and all. Yet when the Indian Spirit starts filtering down to downright scary accessories like these, I start thinking maybe this wasn't meant to be. Moccassins? Sure, they're comfy and cute. Embroidered knee high stilletto boots? Close, but no cigar Chief.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me. YES OR NO?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

NO: You Wear What You Eat

This brings a whole new meaning to "You are what you eat". Craziness. The salad dress is sold at an actual clothing store, Nature Moms. The other three are made by a private designer. Not so yummy... so I have to say NO.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me. YES OR NO?

NO: But yes, they actually sell these.

While I was on the Hot Topic site, I was convinced this was a joke. I was thinking I was on Punk'd via the internet or something. Alas, this is not a joke. They actually sell these things at Hot Topic. The first skirt is typical of Hot Topic I guess, but after that it just got weird. If and when I join the circus, I will go buy the last one. The best part is, I saw a question about these on Yahoo Answers, and some girl commented "OMG these are so cute. I'm going to get on in every color". I sincerely hope that was sarcasm.

But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES OR NO?

NO: As if the normal Crocs weren't bad enough...

For the past couple months, I've been hoping that Crocs would be the next big company to go bankrupt. I've always thought their clogs were a waste of rubber. Unfortunately, not only are they still in business, but they are also churning out hideous footwear such as this. Good for my website. Bad for the millions of people that don't have any fashion sense out there. I secretly hope I see someone on the streets wearing these just so I can laugh. :)
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES OR NO?

NO: Ahoy there, pirate pants!

Straight from Ami Clubwear (probably one of the cheapest stores in America), these piratelicious pants hopefully won't reach any sea-faring individuals' closets any time soon.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES OR NO?