While I was on the Hot Topic site, I was convinced this was a joke. I was thinking I was on Punk'd via the internet or something. Alas, this is not a joke. They actually sell these things at Hot Topic. The first skirt is typical of Hot Topic I guess, but after that it just got weird. If and when I join the circus, I will go buy the last one. The best part is, I saw a question about these on Yahoo Answers, and some girl commented "OMG these are so cute. I'm going to get on in every color". I sincerely hope that was sarcasm.
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES OR NO?
But that's just my opinion; you tell me: YES OR NO?
I say yes, because I have one in all black exept I got it at Miami Twice, is ALL black NO pink ruffles.
yea if it was all black, i would agree YES on some people. But when you add the pink, it starts to get weird. It all went downhill from there